Friday, April 5, 2013

Update on Makeup Progress

I just wanted to update you all on what is going on with me makeup wise in my life. 

First and most excitingly I got selected to be a Dark Hearts Doll for Dark Heart Designs!!!! I am super excited about this and can not wait to get started. What this means is I will be a promoter for them doing a couple looks a month, writing reviews, letting you guys know important information and what not. I am beyond thrilled that I get to be a part of group of amazing MUA's and promote an amazing product and company. The shop is currently in the process of reopening but did do a soft open at the beginning of April just selling eyeshadows. I will let you guys know when the full line is available!

Second I have a facebook page up and running where I post my face of the day, contest looks, collab looks, and so on. This is also where I will do my giveaways and contests once I get more likes so go check it out and Like! Please! click here!

Third I have some looks in the works, specifically a series inspired by Alice in Wonderland. I figure doing a series of looks gives me a chance to practice and try out new techniques so I will be posting the Full series here once it is complete and give a little background on each.

Lastly I have a couple more reviews in the works and a list of my favorite products. I will also start doing  my first impression swhen I buy items and do haul posts and will go back later and do a more in depth review. This way I can keep you all updated on what I'm using and inform you of any new and exciting finds I have.

So that's all for right now, please follow if you haven't already and check back to see the posts I mentioned above. Thank you all! and any questions, concerns, or comments please leave in the comments!

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